How Much Money Does Google Make a Year? (It’s A Lot)

Sep 16, 2020


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

We all know that Google, or its parent company Alphabet, is one of the digital giants making an astonishing amount of money. But exactly how much money does Google make a year? And are they spending it wisely?

How much profit does Google make in a year?

The annual gross profit for Google’s parent company Alphabet has been increasing year-on-year, achieving heights that are almost incomprehensible to the average person.

In 2019, their total revenue was $161.857 billion, up from $136.82 billion in 2018. Their gross profit was a whopping $89.96 billion. This is all despite coming under increasing pressure from regulators and being hit by a €1.49 billion fine from the European Commission for illegal misuse of its dominant position and breaching EU antitrust rules…

Read the rest of this article on the SearchScene Blog.




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